6 Reasons To Watch Insane Fight Club 2


ICW had a tremendous year last year. Luckily for all of you sexy bastards, every single show ICW had in 2014 was covered on this site. Feel free to do about 4 days of reading and catch up before this documentary airs at 10.35pm tonight.

Tonight could be another one of those landmark moments for ICW, as this documentary has the potential to be even bigger and better than the first one. I fucking hate the mainstream media, newspapers in particular, but they’ve given ICW great exposure in the lead up to this and that can only lead to viewing figures skyrocketing. Anyway, here’s a wee list article as to why you should watch it. If you’re on the fence. Don’t be. Get yer gums (and eyes) roon it. BBC1. Tonight. 10.35pm. What else you doing at that time anyway? Bathing the cat? Making macaroni pictures? Exactly. Wrestling mate. Learn about it, love it and be a bit mental. Insane even.

1. Grado


Christ knows why I’m sooking up his arse considering the fact that he’s still not done my interview yet (I mean I know he’s busy, but I got good sweeties and ginger in for the occasion and he’s no showed 18 times) but aye. I suppose he’s awrite. Seriously though, anyone who’s entertaining enough that he has me out in my living room, sitting wae my mum, with a can of Apple Tango and a wee biscuit, watching River City, must be an entertaining cunt. He will have you pishing yer skants again. Just like the first time.

2. It’ll be fucking good

"Oh I just cant wait to be kiiiiiiiiid (fite)"

“Oh I just cant wait to be kiiiiiiiiid (fite)”

The cameras were at every ICW tour show, so any shenanigans worth seeing will be on there. It’ll tell a rich story, laden with antics, mild nudity, and probably someone getting launched into a body of water. It would be fucking weird if no one got launched into any bodies of water would it not? Is that now how all documentaries end?

3. Drew and Jester


I imagine the Drew and Jester element of the documentary centres around their feud, but with the added element of both of them doing it in memory of Drews late mother Angela, it’ll be emotional stuff. The feud was already packed with emotion wrestling wise anyway, so aye. Add in the build up for the match on the England tour, and you have some serious violence. All in the name of selling out the biggest venue ICW have run to date. The Barrowlands.

4. Carnage

10659295_10153306232765620_2624493210401716777_nJimmy fuckin Corkhill was at the Liverpool show man. Jimmy Corkhill knocked Jackie Polo out at said show. ICW Liverpool was just mental in general, but that’s a wee snippet of the type of madness you can expect to see tonight. Also Big Damo tanning a pint handed to him by Boaby The Barman, before charging down to the ring to batter Joe Hendry. Oh, Greg Hemphill and Ford Kiernan also joined Boaby to kick a bunch of people in the baws as well. That was quite something.

5. You might see a bear


Well ….not really. That’s my good mate Mr Chris Toal there in the bear suit, getting ready to box the shite out of a guy in a kilt, then leather a dafty on the mic. Toal is honestly one of my favourite human beings, and I’m proud as fuck that he’s involved in this. You will love him, or he’ll unleash his inner bear and bite your pinky aff.

6. ICW is the one. The first. The last. The everything.

bucjjI do the odd bit of proper journalism about ICW, but make no mistake. I’m a fan through and through, and can genuinely tell you that there’s no better night out in Glasgow (or any other city they land in) than ICW. ICW genuinely changed my life for the better and made me love wrestling again, and it can do the same for you if you give it a chance. Watch the thing. Sign up for on demand, and just fuckin be more ICW. You wont regret it.

Insane Fight Club 2 airs at 10.35pm tonight on BBC One Scotland, for the rest of the UK – Sky/951 Freesat/960 Virgin/862

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