ICW – Shugs House Party Preview


Come on over tae our place. AYE YOU! We’re having a party. Jabs be stingin, and steel chairs swinging, baby come on over tae mine….. And so on and so forth. Aye thats right, starting off a preview for a wrestling show wae a parody of Come on Over To My Place, cause this is not yer average wrestling show. Nor it is yer average house party. It’s a wicked combination of both. A house party with wrestling matches, wrestling angles progressing in various ways, wrestling merchandise being procured, wrestling booze being consumed, wrestling burds being felt up, wrestling swedgers being gubbed in the toilets, wrestling ketamine being stu…well ye get the point. Wrestling things. Perty things. All rolled intae one. This is ICWs second consecutive sell out at the 02 ABC, but because they were allowed to shift a few more tickets than last time, it’s officially ICWS BIGGEST crowd. The biggest thing happening in Glesga this weekend, cause fuck cycling, and fuck swimming, and fuck The Chris Hoy Velodrome, and fuck Celtic Park (only kiddin) and fuck everything that isnae happening at the ABC on Sunday. Everything. Toon better no be fuckin heaving wae commonwealth games punters man. I don’t want tae be superman punching Samoan tourists cause they’re dawdling and making me late for my bus, knahmean? It seems exhausting and we’ll all be needin all the energy we can muster tae make it through what’s sure to be a stoater of a show.

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The Daily Thing – Day Five (What’s Next For Drew Mcintyre)


Unless you’ve been living under a stone, or a particularly heavy-set human being over the past couple of weeks, it won’t have escaped yer attention that our very own Drew McIntyre had his reign as WWE’s token Scottish guy that folk can understand ended at the merciless hands of Vince McMahon. Or Triple H. Or whoever the fuck handles releases. Point is, some cunt, or a collection of cunts had a wee chat about it, and decided that they didnae need any incredibly talented, dashing Scottish bastards entering their prime. That’s no the kind of thing WWE are looking for at the moment Drew. We’d rather have ye job to tiny Mexican bulls, and go about with a kid on band, whilst we tease Triple H becoming a main eventer again, and seriously consider giving John Cena is 50021th World Title reign at Money In The Bank this Sunday. Whilst Drews boaby got him in the bad books in the first place, the fact that he remained in the bad books for so long is nothing short of negligence on WWEs part. Simple as that. It’s a case of people who are paid to spot and nurture talent properly just not doing their fucking jobs.

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