PROGRESS – Chapter 13 (Unbelievable Jeff!) Review



Thank fuck for the abject fickleness of modern technology eh. Cause without the hard camera at PROGRESS – Chapter 13 failing, we wouldn’t have been given the gift of seeing the show for fuck all. It says a lot about the dedication to the fanbase that the owners have that they deemed this unfit to charge any money for, cause let me let ye in on a wee secret troops. They absolutely could have charged money for this. Hard camera or not, this is easily one of the most complete wrestling shows I’ve seen all year. To the point that if I had run it, and all I had from it was a few blurry polaroids and a tape recording of Rampage Brown screaming “WRESTLING!” into a tin can, I’d charge a fee for folk just to have the privilege of being exposed to that. If you like indie promotions with a commitment to storytelling and building its own stars as opposed to relying on imports to shift tickets…PROGRESS has all of those things.

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PBW – Live in Dumbarton Review


A triumph. Nae two ways about it. When yer scrambling to get folk in the door, and get their arses on a seat 10-15 minutes after yer show’s due tae start, it’s a triumph. The Dumbarton Burgh Hall was packed tae the rafters for PBW in Dumbarton. 400+ bodies in there. Sold oot. A wee sprinkling of folk from the Kamikaze promotion based in Birmingham, and a couple of wonderfully talented Japanese guys who I had the pleasure of seeing strut their stuff at SWA the previous night in there with yer usual blend of quality local talent, and a wee dose of Uhaa Nation in that boiling pot anaw, because the people of Dumbarton deserved to be dazzled. Diversity in Dumbarton. Lots of words beginning wae the letter D. Alliteration is fun, but no as much fun as wrestling.

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