ICW Shugs House Party 3 Preview


On the 4th of November 2012, ICW hosted Fear and Loathing 5 in The Classic Grand. At that time I still didn’t know a huge amount about the company but I’d already seen Stevie Boy jumping off a balcony, Big Damo (medium-sized Damo at that time) run a cheese grater over Jimmy Havoc’s heid, and the debut of Fergal Devitt in ICW, up against Wolfgang in a match that completely changed the way I saw wrestling as an adult, so I knew I was interested in whatever the fuck this mental shit was. The main event that night was supposed to be a fatal 4 way between the former members of a stable known as The Gold Label for Red Lightning’s ICW Title, but a personal issue meant James Scott was unable to compete in the match. Would have been easy enough to explain the situation and still go with the triple threat eh? Maybe even more simple in terms of keeping the story about The Gold Label storyline coming full circle, but instead Mark Dallas chucked a 19 year old Noam Dar in at the deep end and the special talent we see trotting all over the globe bringing joyous Judaism to the masses didn’t disappoint. Putting in a fine performance before being eliminated first and allowing the storyline to play out in his absence. The fact that Dallas wanted him in that main event when a spot opened up, and the fact that he had been booking him since he was 16 is proof that while Noam Dar has always been an immense talent, that talent needs a platform before it really matters a fuck, and ICW gave Noam Dar a platform to grow in front of mature, at times more difficult audiences than he would ever face on family friendly shows. ICW, Mark Dallas, and Noam Dar have forever been synonymous with each other and at a time where Noam Dar’s star has never shone brighter, he has the chance, alongside his best pal and a partner yet to revealed, to write himself into ICW folklore before no doubt jetting off into the sunset to become everyone’s favourite Scottish jew at the performance centre.


While Noam Dar was in main events for the ICW Title as far back as 2012, Joe Coffey was almost a mythical figure back then. I’d been to a few shows and heard a bit about him but was yet to see him wrestle. He was that guy over in Japan learning his craft. It was only when I eventually did see him in ICW in a match against Sean Maxer, that it became apparent why people had been talking about him even in his absence. Joe Coffey could fucking go. Between that match and where he is now, he’s went on a journey that’s seen him add various strings to an already impressive bow and on the same night Noam Dar has the chance to make his name part of ICW legend, Joe Coffey also has the opportunity of a lifetime at his feet. A match in the main event of an IPPV against one of the most heralded talents in Europe and good friend into the bargain in Big Damo for the richest prize in European Wrestling. That’s what the ICW Title is, like it or not. The audience you are exposed to as ICW Champion is bigger than any audience you might be exposed to holding anyone else’s belt in Europe, and Joe Coffey has earned this. He earned it with show making and on the odd occasion show saving performances in that ring, and there’s no doubt in my mind that even though its took a while to get there, the position Noam Dar and Joe Coffey find themselves on the eve of a huge show and ICWs first IPPV on the Fite Network is one that reflects the immense amount of talent they possess. Folk like to talk about how politics and the auld pals act allows others to have opportunities they deserve in wrestling but fuck aw that. Its shite and it always has been. If you’re good enough and you work hard enough, you’ll get to where you want to be no matter what and there’s no doubt this is where Joe Coffey and Noam Dar want to be. The main fuckin men. The boys who could be kings.


Lionheart vs Kenny Williams (ICW Zero-G Title Match)


When the bold Hearto won the Zero-G in April, it didn’t immediately feel like it might be a long-term thing. If you said he’d defend against Kenny a few months later at the time you’d probably reckon it was Kenny’s belt. His first run with it was excellent and he lost a lot of momentum when he dropped it to Danny Hope over a year ago now, so it would make all the sense to fire it back on him but then Lionheart fucked it for everyone by being stupidly good at being Zero-G Champion. There haven’t been many better matches in Scotland this year than Lionheart vs BT Gunn for the Zero-G Title, and Lionheart has been tremendous for months now. If you think hating him means he must be shite, yer just not getting it pal. That means he’s got you eating out the palm of the hand he lays the smack down wae, and you’re gonnae hit rock bottom when you see him retain that belt (I wish I was more sorry for that patter, but I’m sittin giggling away to myself about it so fuck ye) and the more upset you get about his success the more it fuels him to be as much of a dick as possible in plain sight. The match could sneak in the back door and steal MOTN, but regardless of its quality, I fancy Hearto to retain. The possibilities of dickishness that come with him continuing to be Zero-G Champion are endless, especially if Dallas gets back to 50/50 and has some sort of scope to fuck with him a bit. Don’t get me wrang here guys n gals, if Kenny wins it he’ll do another standup job with it but with the help of mild shenanigans I reckon Hearto will retain and oh boy, they will boo hard and they will boo long.

Predicition – Kenny Williams commandeers a milk van, drives it into the ABC and gives everyone in attendance a free pint of semi skimmed, completely transforming his gimmick from being the back to the future guy, to being the guy who makes sure your diet has sufficient calcium. Or ye knew….Lionheart retains.

Final Of The ICW Tag Title Tournament – The Local Fire vs Bird and Boar or The 55

It was a gutter when Polo Promotions announced they were done with ICW and we’re probably past the stage of asking its actually legit and not a part of some elabourate storyline involving strike action and the long awaited creation of a wrestlers union. It certainly weakens the tag division to not have talent like that involved in or indeed leading it, but you can only work with the tools at your disposal and the tag tournament up until this point has been entertaining as fuck. Moustache Mountain vs The Filthy Generation had a proper old school ICW feel to it, heavy on gid patter and even heavier on right gid wrestling, and with Joe Hendry and Davey Boy booking their place in the final in Manchester last night that leaves one spot up for grabs to be taken by either The 55 or a cuttla mad Welsh yins called Bird and Boar. With the greatest of respects paid to Bird and Boar, it would be very odd if they’re on ICWs first IPPV and an established ICW team like The 55 aren’t. Having said that, if Bird and Boar win it opens up the possibility of Sha Samuels turning face and joining his real life bestos Grado and Noam Dar in the big 6 man, and how fuckin tremendous would that be? Sha Samuels should never ever ever ever everrrrr be asked to play the good guy. Why would you ask the best villain in British Wrestling to be anything other than a bad bastard? But for one night only it would be sound and cute if the three amigos were allowed to be amigos in the wrestling instead of just cuttin about Silverburn together gien wedgies out to any wee geek that looks twice at them. Feel like we got a bit off topic there.

Prediction – The 55 win in Birmingham and in Glasgow, become 2 time champions, and volley a priest in celebration because that’s whit hard bastards dae when they win shiny belts. Unless the hard bastards are catholics, then the priests volley them. With their boabies.

DCT vs Bram (Steel Cage Match)


When DCT took a literal whipping off Jack Jester around 2 years ago, it was all leading to this. He might as well have whipped his massive baws out, sat them down on the ring apron and went “this right here…this is whit DCT’s workin with…OH!” because he took a fuckin vicious beating and never asked for anything in return. The exposure from being in a match with the ICW Champion at that time was enough to justify getting brutally leathered and now he has a steel cage match on an IPPV against a guy fae TNA. If you’d have told DCT back then, he would have most likely believed you tbh. He’s a guy who has worked his aforementioned giant baws off, so why the fuck wouldn’t he believe you. No matter if he doesn’t even get to chuck a punch at Bram’s exceedingly jabbable face, getting here is victory in itself, but imagine the scenes if the bold yin won. Imagine the carnage if the International Sex Hero calls upon his 15 inch emergency erection and uses the fucker as a javelin pole to propel himself to the outside without even having to fight the big bastard. I mean he probably wants to get a few dunts in after the cunt piledriver’d his wife through a big cake and that, but if it can be avoided and victory is still his he probably widnae mind that much. It won’t be flippy, it won’t be a catch as catch can classic. It’ll be two guys throwing each other about a big steel box, one attempting to avenge a moustache that was cruelly taken from him and a wife with a cake shaped dent in her skull, while the perprator of those crimes doing what he loves best. Knocking fuck out of cunts and being a pure unadultarated dick about it.

Prediction – DCT wins and his tash grows back immediately after the referee’s hand slaps the mat for the 3. 

Legion vs Moustache Mountain and Lewis Girvan


If it unfolds as yer run of the mill,major incident free 6 man tag it’ll be a cracker. That’s what tends to happen when 6 very talented wrestlers combine in 6 man action to settle such matters, but there’s nae way some kind of massive storyline shit isn’t occurring here. There’s too many variables for something big not to go down. Rumours are rife that Tommy End is heading off to pastures new, Trent cost The Sumerian Death Squad their match in the tag tournament, and while they do enjoy battering fuck out each other, there’s clearly a mutual respect between Trent and Whiplash. Whiplash accepting a handshake from Trent when he’d knocked back the offer from the likes of Damo and Joe Coffey in the weeks before says it all. If the result of it is somehow Tommy End vs Mikey Whiplash in ICW, it can’t be a bad thing, but something’s happening. I smell some kind of Trent and Whiplash alliance but maybe I’m way off base. Maybe all 6 of them will stop fighting 5 minutes in, look at each other and go “mon we’ll patch this and be best pals” and all of a sudden you’ve got a 6 man stable of killing machines. Intrigued as fuck by this no matter what happens, and even if Whiplash and Trent do somehow end up on the same side, I hope we see some mouth-watering wrestling from them that makes you openly question how both of them are still alive.

Prediction – Cody Rhodes shows up in full Stardust gear with his hands cupped, before opening them to reveal a dove. The dove starts singing “fuck yer tea….we want Coffey” while the 5 fans in attendance who get the reference nod in acknowledgement, before it flys on to Billy Kirkwoods shoulder and stays there for the remainder of the show, occasionally giving Billy a wee peck on the cheek. 

Team Dallas vs The Black Label (Team Dallas must win for Dallas to remain part of ICW and regain a 50% stake in the company)

With people assuming the third man on Team Dallas will somehow be Renfrew, they might be forgetting the bold BT Gunn also declared himself a Mark Dallas guy the same night Renfrew did, and while it never needs any declaration, there’s also the small matter of BT Gunn being one of the finest wrestlers on planet earth, so why the fuck wouldn’t he be the third guy? I reckon now that it’ll be BT Gunn with Renfrew somehow getting involved and tipping it in Team Dallas’ favour before Dallas re-instates him on RAW the next night (PPVs on a Sunday are followed by RAW on a Monday ok, that’s how wrestling works. I really hope I don’t have to teach you this again) Folk are getting hung up on the possible outcome and that’s all well and good, but the make-up of the match could make it an absolute stoater. Noam Dar vs Drew is always outstanding. Drew vs anyone on planet earth is usually pretty nifty if we’re giving the big evil bastard his due. For me Jack Jester’s best opponent is Grado and they’ll get to lock horns at least a wee bit and Wolfgang could drag a good match out of Viscera. No even 500 pound, could barely move when he was about Viscera, Viscera as he is now. Deid. Whit I’m saying here is that Wolfgang could have a match with a large amount of dead weight and that match would still be good. That’s the joke we’re making, and now that you’ve all laughed yourselves inside out, we’ll proceed with talking about the match. Nae way The Label are winning though, even if its a storyline, I don’t think Dallas would be able to stomach being completely exiled so the fightback starts tonight. Even a team comprised of a Disney prince, a mad chainmail dildo wielding shagger and the big bad wolf wae the sexy suitcase can’t stop Noam, Grado and whoever joins them chalking one up for the good guys. Unless Red Lightning decided to cancel the whole thing, the event itself and wrestling in general. Something that still might happen if we don’t aw shut the fuck up. I don’t even mean at the show mate, I mean right now. Shut it.

Prediction – The third man on Team Dallas turns out to be Jeff Hardy and the match never airs because Brother Nero, and everything ever concerning him both past, present and future has been DELETED!

Big Damo (c) vs Joe Coffey (ICW Title Match) 


I love Damo. Ask anycunt. Aside from his ability and obvious physicality setting him apart, he happens to be one of most genuine and nice guys plying his trade in this mad wrestling carry on and its nice to see a cunt who went from perennially flying under the radar get the rewards years of hard work were definitely due. If you have a problem with Big Damo elbowing the living shite out of anyone who tries to take his belt, that would make you very silly indeed. The rules dictate that if Damo wants to elbow everycunt on planet earth to within an inch of their life, he can. He could elbow all 1,000+ in attendance at this show into oblivion and the only people who could take issue with it are the polis and perhaps military reinforcements if he predictably demolishes the whole police force. ICW is no rules unless stated otherwise and in that circumstance, a guy who has the weight advantage over everyone else in the company would be very smart to lean all of that weight on his opponents, enabling him a free shot to pummel fuck out their skull (with elbows, no boabies) so if ye don’t like it? Fuckin lobby for a rule change or button yer lip and watch the big man smash fuck out of everyone in his path. Damo worked his baws off to get in to a position where utilising such tactics means he STAYS on top instead of seeming to be in an endless battle to get there, and there isn’t one opponent out there he’s too proud to knock the fuck out in the name of remaining the ICW World Champion. Or maybe there’s one and only one…

I do love Damo, I said it at the start there and said a lot of things to back that up so we’ve established I love the big barra, but Joe Coffey has always been my guy and this might finally be his time. It’s always been Joe’s belt, even before he knew it and for 3 years he’s been the guy having the best match on the card more consistently than anyone else. He’s been the guy constantly adapting and improving the overall product he puts out there to create the best impression of himself possible and that hard work led to some of the best feuds and even some of the best one-off matches in ICW history. The feuds with James Scott and Noam Dar produced some fine contests, while his one time only wars against Brian Kendrick and Rhyno were both standout encounters on the shows they were on. Twice in a row he’s been voted as wrestler of the year by the fans. The people who pour their hard-earned money in to this wrestling carry on believe in HIM. The mighty wrestler, the Iron Man, the guy who gets paint on everyone, whitever the fuck you want to call Joe Coffey, he has another opportunity to become ICW champion after over a year of almost haggling with Red Lightning to earn it and he might not get another one if he doesn’t prevail. He might be the one exception to the elbows. He might be the one exception to the win at all costs mentality Damo has adopted because (and I might be wrong here, but as far as im aware….) Damo’s last clean defeat in ICW was at the hands of Joe Coffey in an absorbing match Edinburgh and even putting aside the respect he has for Joe, he’ll want to avenge that properly. Above all else, he’ll want to prove he’s better than Joe and while he very well might be, it’s that professional pride that might be his downfall because it gives Joe a chance. It gives him a glimmer of hope, almost like someone briefly whipped Damo’s magnificent beard clean aff and gave Joe a clean look at his chin for one time only. If he gets a split second, he has to take that chance. He has to wind up that arm and aim high and true. If he does that, it might just happen. We might finally see Joe Coffey reach the mountain top. The ICW World Champion. The king of kings.

Prediction – Nae joke shite. I predict this will be match of the night/week/month/year/decade/century/millennium. 

Aside from all that, we have Liam Thomson revealing his true feelings for Debbie Sharpe, which will do well to top Massimo shoving a haggis pizza in his gub but god bless them for giving it a go. There’s also nae women’s title match and Stevie Boy isn’t on the card so who knows where they end up involved. Will Ospreay is about right now, so if they fired Ospreay vs Stevie on the card for shits and giggles that would be my dream, but yer man Ospreay’s injured so who the fuck knows. I reckon one match will happen that isn’t currently on the card but who participates in it is a fuckin mystery. Maybe it’ll be Juventud Guerrera against Rey Mysterio and we can aw kid on its a 1998 Nitro. Shug’s will be gid. There’s still tickets so get them off ticketmaster and go to the show. Bring a pal. Bring 5. Bring a minibus fulla badgers if ye fuckin want. Its aw happenin and you should be there to oversee the happenings.

Cheers to David J.Wilson for the lovely photos I used. 

PWE 5th Anniversary Weekender PREVIEW


Since going to my first PWE show I’ve only ever missed one in 2 years. No bad considering I’m about 2 hours worth of travel away from the venue, yet PWE’s biggest event to date comes round and yer man here’s fucked it. Barring a minor miracle or a very short-term illness, I’m on that fuckin backshift int ah. Didn’t bother asking anycunt to swap cause I legit thought the shows were on Saturday and Sunday and I have both of those nights off. Even looked at hotels for Saturday so I wouldn’t need to bother travelling back through on the Sunday. For a show that does not fuckin exist. Night one is on Friday. DX vs NAK is on Friday. I’ll be in a shop selling folk their carry oot instead. Fuckin shoot me mate. Wae a gun. In the face.

That’s my own personal lament over and done with, but I committed to writing a preview and I must put my personal disappointment aside to do that as competently as possible. Just because I can’t get excited about two days of wrestling in sunny Ayrshire doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be. I’ll be there on the Saturday, and if I don’t smell an overspill of Friday night’s shenanigans in the air, you’ll all be in for a stern talking to.

Friday night – Show one – PWE – Break it down

Aye whitever. Night one is happening. Aside from Laura Spence turning in to a puddle, these matches will occur. I hope the wrestling is good but its a right muggy night and you all end up sweatin through yer merch. Here’s the card.

Wolfgang vs Big Damo


A classic big hoss fight between two of the biggest guys on the scene today. The thing about it is, while they’ll no doubt knock lumps out each other gleefully in the middle of that ring. Both of them can fly. A flying bear and a flying wolf going toe to toe. For Wolfgang, this will serve as great preparation for Billy Gunn on Saturday. If great preparation means a big hairy tank dropkicks the living fuck out of ye. For Damo, its just another opportunity to show cunt’s he’s the top super heavyweight in this country right now. In fact fuck this country, the world.

Joe Hendry vs Lou King Sharp


Remember the heady days of Lou King Sharp being the tag team champions? Naw? Well we do. And the Local Hero ruined it with some very unheroic tagging. When you have a powerhouse of the tag team game like oor Lou as one half of the team, your role as his partner is to provide hauners in case some dick fae the other team pulls a knife. Instead Joe sunk a knife into Lou’s back and watched as Fight Club sauntered away with his belts. For shame. There’s some real bad blood in this one, so expect them to launch fireworks at each other n shit cause that’s just what happens when a feud gets personal.

Iestyn Rees, Jackie Polo and Mark Coffey vs Grado, Joe Coffey, and Noam Dar


Truly gutted to be missing Jackie Polo’s in-ring debut with PWE. I just miss the cunt in general, so he better be in amongst it the morra night. Maybe since Joe Coffey and Noam Dar are squaring off against their Saturday opponents, Grado and Polo will decide to join the perty and have them some singles action. This match will mainly serve to plant the seeds for Saturday’s wars and I’ve nae doubt the baddies will go away with the win, setting the good guys up for a night of glory on the Saturday. Morning glory. Wee Noam winning a shiny belt type glory.

Fight Club open challenge for the tag titles

The past twice they’ve done this its been GPWA guys who’ve answered the challenges, but its the 5th anniversary weekender and with the greatest of respects to them, this calls for something a bit different. I have two theories as to who’s gonnae answer, it’ll either be a big name team, possibly imported, such as Demolition, The Rock n Sock Connection or Billy n Chuck and Fight Club will retain via shenanigans, OR if it is GPWA guys, the tag team they seem most impressed with is a team called The Purge and if its them, I reckon they take the belts. What better way is there to introduce yourself to a new audience than by stoating in and taking a couple of belts off one of the most established teams in the UK. I personally would like to see the first scenario unfold because Liam Thomson and Kid Fite should have aw the belts. Every tag belt, and a timeshare situation for the singles. Droonin in belts.

Sha Samuels vs Kenny Williams


Sha and Lionheart seem to have become pals, or have built on an existing friendship, and that means more big Sha in PWE. No sayin Hearto just books his pals like, Jackie Polo is on the card so that proves that it’s not the case, but with deeper friendship comes a deeper understanding of how essential it is to have Sha Samuels in all his villainous wonder, stompin cunts all over your show. Kenny Williams always gets a brilliant reaction in Ayr because he’s dead fast and colourful and it reminds the natives of when they get fulla eccies and stick their thumbs in each others eyes up Club De Mar. Tried to do a local reference there but made a pigs dick of it so I did. I just don’t know much about Ayr other than its nice and I go there for wrestling. Sha Samuels and Kenny Williams will definitely happen, and either the bad guy (Sha) will win with a combination of raw power and sleekitness or the good guy (Kenny) will win with a combination of fleet footedness and big heartedness. Either way, it’s going to be a fun time, and I’ll be slingin bottles of tonic n MD to cunts while it’s happening.

The NAK vs DX (X-Pac and Billy Gunn) 


Don’t need to put Renfrew and BT’s name in brackets because the NAK is originals only. You know who they are. The NAK’s hatchets will not be buried for the sake of being reeled out for a re-union every few years. The NAK are not fucking about. They might have done the shakey hands routine with Mr Lionheart to secure this dream match, but it was a means to an end. It doesn’t mean they’re nice guys now. The pleasantries led to this, and that made it worth it. A dream match. A chance to carve a name out globally by carving their names into the skulls of a couple of legends. BT Gunn and Renfrew already chucked some petrol on the fire by showing up during Billy Gunn’s show at walkabout during his last visit and giving him some serious evils, leading to the biggest watergun fight in Glasgow’s storied history. I might be making a bit of that up, but I dunno if I’ve ever been more gutted to miss a match in my puff. Its one of them that most likely won’t ever happen again and the enormity of missing it is now just dawning on me. Fuck sake.

Saturday night – Show two – DAR WARS!!

Yassssssss. Finally time to type words about a show I can actually fuckin physically be at. A show that fuckin BETTER be joyous and by joyous, I mean rammed wae the culmination of a 5 year journey for Noam Dar, ending with him winning a shiny belt. Absolutely uptae its eyeballs in Joe Coffey getting revenge on Mark Coffey. Teeming wae Wolfgang battering Billy Gunn. It better be fuckin good is what I’m saying and I better have plenty of reports of how night one was “good, but awfy clammy, almost as if someone wished the clammyness upon us and made it so”

Sha Samuels vs Big Damo

The battle of the untamed body hair. Real men don’t wax their shit. Real men don’t shave. Real men don’t wander into traffic in the name of catchin them all. Real men are probably bored a lot and warm as fuck due to the out of control body hair, but they do enjoy fightin cunts! If there’s one thing I know about real men, its that they enjoy a good fight so they dae! Och fuck aw this real men patter. Men come in all forms and if some like to shave their gooch, thats on them. Live and let live. Point is, Sha Samuels vs Big Damo will be some good shit. A bit less agile that yer Wolfgang vs Damo because Sha’s ideal of agility is getting his opponent an extra few inches in the air for that spinebuster, but who needs agility when you’re a mad murderous butcher.

Mark Coffey vs Joe Coffey (2 Out Of 3 Falls) 


A lot of big time shit on the go at this weekender. DX cuttin aboot choppin crotches. Noam going for the gold. Marquee shit. As nice as all that is, as a fan this is the one I’m looking forward to the most. With the greatest of respect to everyone else, but oh wow, we are too blessed here. The Coffeys against each other in a 2 out of 3 falls match is some shit I’ve been dreaming of since first starting to attend Scottish Wrestling shows and while I doubt it’ll happen, it would be rerr if it was shenanigan free. Just two brothers knockin the living shite out each other in the name of knocking the shite out each other. Nae jump-ins, nae hauners, nae nothing. If anything, lets have their Da as the special guest ref and have him separate them every 2 minutes like they were having a kick about roon the back that got a bit too heated and the big man had to intervene. It might interrupt the flow of the match, but it would be hilarious so ultimately very worth it. I fancy this to steal the whole weekender but I’ll no see the Friday show to ascertain if that’s the case and now I’m sad about that again. Fuck sake. COFFEY VS COFFEY BUT. A brother vs brother clash that will be less dilapidated boats, more mad forearms and lariats.

Wolfgang vs Billy Gunn

wan gunn

One faces Big Damo the night before in a rare matchup where Wolfie is actually the smaller of the two guys, and yer man, the el Badass William Gunn has The NAK to contend with, so its very likely this match will simply be two deid bodies lying next to each other for a 10 count. Assuming both, or at least one of them makes it out of night one alive, this match will be stoatin. I expect Mr Erse to take a few crisp powerbombs from Wolfgang, right on that 60 year auld spine of his and for him to completely no sell them because he’s an indestructible walking hard-on. Has to be a win for our Wolfie, disnae matter how much of a baddie he is or how much he batters guy’s I love, he’s the original. The first guy on the Scottish scene I took to and I’ll always chuck the W up for that reason unless he lays a fuckin finger on Mick Foley. Then all bets are off and I’ll be mad at him from afar but won’t do anything about it aside from that because in case you hadn’t noticed, he’s a big scary bastard.

Iestyn Rees (c) vs Noam Dar (PWE Title Match) 


This is really what its all about. I fancy The Coffeys to have the best match of the weekend, and the DX based stuff to get some mental crowd reactions, but this is what it’s all for. The journey coming to an end. Noam Dar was in the final of the tournament to crown the first ever PWE Champion and lost it. Noam Dar had plenty of shots at it when Grado was the main man but couldn’t make it past his best pal. Its now or never because if recent recognition from WWE is anything to go by, we might not be seeing a lot more of Noam around these parts. He needs that big singles title. He’s fuckin earned it getting chucked about and battered fuck oot ae since he was about 15. A 22 year old veteran, whit kinda madness is that? Only in wrestling could that even be a thing, but that’s what he is and he’s doing it. Nae offence to big Iestyn, who hasn’t always been my personal favourite but admittedly had a brilliant match at the last show with Joe Coffey, but its time for you to come up off that gold and slide it on over to the Jewdi Master. The kneebar’s getting locked in and if you don’t tap to that, the Fisherman’s Brainbuster will scramble yer brain cells and see if that’s no getting the job done? Bazooka. Big hole in the chest. Noam Dar win’s the title via TKO on account of his opponent having a basketball hoop where his chest used to be. Iestyn is already the biggest villain in the company, so if he actually retains? Oh fuck. He’s a big lad, but he’ll need a police escort and about 6 bullet proof vests if he’s going to make it out of Ayr alive. Either way, I reckon this match will be pure drama, and Noam will have his moment.

So aye. Come to the weekender eh. I know its a bit late in the day for anyone to take heed of this plea, but don’t be like me. Don’t fuck up and end up having to dae a backshift instead of jumpin through to the ‘shire on a wee train and having a rerr time. Get along to the show, if the weather’s nice maybe get a wee ice cream in the mix. A 99 if ye can get it. Enjoy Ayr and enjoy life in general. Celebrate 5 years of PWE, and hopefully you’ll be celebrating Noam Dar stoating about his home town legit wearing the belt as a belt to hold his trousers up, going about his daily Noam Dar’y business as YOUR PWE Champion. 


ICW Fight Club Review – (May 13th show. Renfrew vs Grado)


OH ITS HAPPENING. ITS DAMN HAPPENING! Naw that’s not it, haud on. YOU WANT THE TRUTH? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE OLYMPIC GOLD TRUTH! Naw wait, that’s not it either, ffs. ITS TRUE, ITS DAMN TRUE! That’s the sweet spot right there. ITS ANGLE! ITS KURT ANGLE. Even better mate. The point is, as revealed by Kenny “The Managers Bollocks” Williams, via a certain Mr Mick Foley (once interviewed on Snapmare Necks.com, in case you hadn’t heard) Kurt Angle will be appearing on the Hydro show. Red Lightning was already in the ring when Kenny burst on the scene with nothing but a tie and 3-4 bottles of baby oil covering his upper torso to reveal that Mick Foley had sent a memo to him revealing that Angle was in for the Hydro. People were proper losing their shit for this yin. Throwing their children in the air only for them to be caught and escorted out by security. Over 18s show pal, don’t bring or throw your children here ever again. Red wasn’t pleased and threatened to throw us all out on numerous occasions, because he’s very good at his job, and that gives him the ability to someow not seem totally buzzin about the prospect of being on a show with 11,000 spectators watcing and KURT FUCKIN ANGLE doing a wee wrestle. Speaking of wee wrestles. This show had a few of them.

Wolfgang vs Kenny Williams 

Kenny might be the bollocks, but 9 times out of 10 if a pair of bollocks does a suicide dive on to a Wolf while that Wolf is still stoatin’ down to the ring, it doesn’t end well for the bollocks. That’s pure scientific fact right there and after some early hi-jinks Wolfie took his revenge by chucking Kenny in the crowd and snarling at anyone in the front row who he deemed to have the capacity to feel happiness.  It was the usual mixture of sexy flying back elbows and Wolfy lifting Kenny over his heid with varying degrees of success before Kenny bust out a beautiful Frankensteiner with the aid of a wee bit of springboard action. Wolfy planted Kenny right on his face with a sit out face/gut/spirit buster soon after,  ten missed a swanton while giving the fans the finger in mid air, that’s karma for being a flying cheeky bastard but at the same time managing to swear at cunts while being an 18 stone man who can actually fly is an act of bad-ass-ness regardless of how it ended up. Lionheart appeared to distract Kenny it was time for the Wolf to go full Goldberg. Catching Kenny with a spear as he was going for a springboard suhin, before finishing the job with the Jackhammer. Entertaining contest as always between the these two. Kenny for me is at his very best when its a right big cunt in there with him and he needs to go all road runner on them and basically run round them in circles until they get dizzy and lose via TKI. Totally kunted it.

Lionheart (c) vs Zack Gibson (ICW Zero-G Title Match) 

Lionheart’s been killing it lately, and if you read that and thought to yersell “naw he fuckin husnae, he’s a fanny!” that’s precisely WHY he’s killing it right now. Because he turned a song calling him a fanny into a positive. Not many folk could do that. Not many folk could stoat out in front of 1,400 folk calling him a fanny in unison at the Barras and leave with a shiny belt and the biggest “fuck the whole fuckin lot of you cunts” grin on his coupon. Team Believe was replaced long ago by Team Selfies Wae Yer Dug, but Team Believe Lionheart has nae belts, whereas Team Fanny Lionheart has the Zero-G so who’s winning really? The guy who had fans, or the guy who has the gold and disnae give a fuck what you think?

After a cracker of a match with Lewis Girvan 2 weeks earlier, Hearto would have a task keeping the belt off Zack Gibson. The Scouse Spine Shatterer is a guy who must be considered a regular member of the ICW roster now after impressing in every match he’s had with the company so far. He’s too fuckin good not to be. This didn’t get a huge amount of time but they battered each other sufficiently with the time they had. Gibson displayed his deceptive agility with a mad jawbreaker off the top rope as part of a well worked finishing  sequence that had a succession of crackin superkicks from Hearto before a swift sleekit thumb to the eye, superkick and rock bottom combo put Gibson away. Wee bit of a surprise that Lionheart won relatively clean (well a thumb in the eye in ICW terms is still quite clean, maybe if it was a thumbtack thumb to the eye it would be a different story and we’d be calling big Scouse Zack “Wan Eye” Gibson) but it was another showing from Gibson that will have done him no harm in the long term. But in the short term…nae belts for you. Not yet anyway. Lionheart continues to lord it over each and every one of us, but the next defence is against one of the very best in the land and a man who needs one belt to complete the ICW triple crown. BT….BT…..BT FUCKIN….ach ye know the rest.

The 55 vs The New Nation (ICW Tag Title Tournament Match) 

The New Nation made an impressive ICW debut, carrying on the legacy left by their “Auld” nation elders D’Lo Brown, Kama Mustafa, Farooq and the rest of the gang. Wait, widdye mean that’s not the nation they’re referring to? There are no other nations, unless we’re talking Uhaa? Suppose that gimmick is up for grabs now he’s Apollo Crews’in it aw err RAW, but listen. The nation in question isn’t important. What is important is that Jason Prime and Alexander Henry are a couple of mad angry bastards, with an abundance of talent to go with their mad anger. They came out and looked heavy raging at The 55, while The 55 were like “come ahead ya pair of absolute wallopers” and off we went. A good old fashioned dust-up with the addition of some mental flippy ship from Henry in the form of a moonsault on Sha and Fito as they hung about outside the ring bamming up some security guards about their haircuts. Moonsaults and mad bastards eh. What a time to be alive, in The Garage and watching the fuck out of some wrestling.

Sha and Fito survived the early energy from the newbies and got busy forcefully stomping fuck out them and getting quick cohesive tags on the go, Kid Fite even busted out the BSSE. That’s not the name of the firm him and Sha are in, that stands for BEST SNAP SUPLEX EVER, cause it fuckin is. If there’s ever been a snappier suplex performed in wrestling well, there hasn’t been, and whoever tellt ye there has is a fuckin liar. The New Nation lads went mental with splashes in opposite corner, before their momentum was derailed when Fito chucked Henry up in the air and kicked him square in the baws on the way down. A slingshot double suplex finished the job and The 55 move on in a tournament that they think shouldn’t even be happening. In their eyes the belts never left and if it wasn’t for their ex manager being a shitebag they’d still have them. Hard to argue with such bold claims when they made relatively short work of an impressive team like The New Nation. As much as Henry had more of the highlight reel stuff, Jason Prime looks like a legit nutter who would gladly tear one of yer limbs off and eat it right off the bone and theres always room for people of that ilk at ICW.

Big Damo vs DCT (ICW World Heavyweight Title match)

Red Lightning returned to the ring to ask DCT for a word, and proceeded to berate him for entering himself into the Glasgow Rules match with Renfrew without permission. As if Red was offended at DCT giving out and taking a kicking in the name of our entertainment. He fuckin hates us aw, and when the Damo came out and the Joe Coffey chants got going, we entered full on tantrum mode. Red sat in the corner and refused to let the show go on until the pro Joe chants stopped. Pro Joe eventually turned in to Anti Red as a chant about Red being a “Mighty Wanker” started up. I get that its a fun twist on Joes chant, but is calling someone a mighty wanker not a compliment? If someone called me that, I would thank them while quietly wondering how the fuck they came to know that I’m proper good at chuggin. We’re rambling here, Reds final act of business was to make a title match between Damo and DCT. Because they were both in the ring, and DCT exclusively wrestles massive guys wae even massive’r beards. Bram…..HE COMIN FUH YOU N…


Right I’ve checked. There’s nae monsters under yer bed DCT. In fact there isnae even a bed at all. You’re literally floating. How are you doing this magic?

Damo was of course dominant throughout this one, because that’s what he does. He keeps the ICW Title by any means necessary. If wrestling moves don’t get it done? you’ll get flung through a table from a great height. If that doesn’t do it? You’ll get elbowed in the side of the heid until you start seeing wee tweety birds chasing each other above yer heid. If that doesn’t work? Sawn off shotgun in the trunks. Boom. Deid. No matter what means he chooses, he always keeps that belt. But DCT had his moments in amongst the dominance. Taking the big man off his feet with a flying shoulder tackle and planting him with a slick DDT. Damo seemed taken aback by it and proceeded to knock fuck out of DCT. Rounding off the fuck knocking with 100 elbows to the side of the head to bring about the referee’s stoppage. Even rounded it off with a few jabs to the temple as well. Its quite beautiful that folk are starting to boo the elbows to the side of the heid finish because they’re booing dominance. Like it offends folk that Damo takes the “ICW is a no DQ warzone!” mentality and puts his own spin on it. If its no DQ and hes bigger and badder than everycunt, why not elbow your opponents until they can’t feel their fingers any more. Damo took to the mic and told DCT if he wanted to beat Bram, he’d have to strap a pair on and furnish them with a few layers of carpet (the joke here is, he needs a big set of hairy baws to beat Bram, probably so Bram mistakes said baws for his own face and starts narcissistically admiring them, giving DCT the opening to crack him err the nut with a vase) DCT nodded in agreement, and seemed to understand what Damo was saying remarkably well for a man who’d just been paralysed by elbows.

Chris Renfrew vs Grado (Winner becomes number one contender for the ICW Title, loser never gets another shot)

It shows you the extent of how much the ICW landscape has changed that in the 4 months since their emotionally charged battle at the Square Go that neither of the two guys seemingly willing to fight till the death for that belt even have the title now. The brothers and sisters Renfrew celebrated his title win with have flew the nest. By “flew the nest” I mean “they turned on Renfrew and BT, battered fuck out them and half the audience needed treatment for shock” but its the same thing really eh? The lasting legacy from that match will be the legacy of violence Renfrew punctuated his title reign with, but another hugely intriguing product of it all is the new Grado. A guy who’s still there to entertain, but a guy who also knows how to adjust to an audience with an altered perception of who he is and what he represents. See if they all think yer a sell-out who is TNA to the fuckin core? Be that. Play up to it and make them hate ye even more, because the chances are that the ones chanting “fuck TNA!” have already made their mind up about you anyway, and no amount of tiger facepaint and having a wee dance is going to get them back on your side. So tell them to fuck off. Tell them you’re no fucking having it anymore. Tell them Grado goes where the fuckin money goes, because if any of us were in his shoes, would we do it any differently? It might have been emotion and personal shit that fuelled their match the last time, but on this occasion it was much simpler. Winner take all, loser can never even have a sniff at the gold again and in a lot of ways that made this war even more important than the last one.

It was a night where Grado came right out his comfort zone, but Renfrew seems to bring that out in him. No matter where one of them might be at in this wrestling game, the other one is destined to be his enemy. Good vs evil and in ICW right now Renfrew is more good than evil, so what does Grado have to be by default? The bad guy. The one shouting at the crowd telling them “Don’t talk aboot TNA!” as if TNA was a close relative. It wisnae a heel turn, but it was Grado actually confronting this carry on for the first time and that was intriguing. He also confronted Renfrew with a barbed wire bat across the back and a kendo stick over the napper because why wait on Renfrew getting the toys out when you know fine well where they’re kept. Renfrew hit so many different forms of Stone Coldrenfrewwwwwwwwwwwww2tack Stoner and Grado kept kicking out. They traded thunderous jabs, they traded blood, sweat and speckles of shite. They left absolutely everything they had out there once again and even if they really don’t like each other in real life, they combine to make magic in that wrestling ring and that will forever be the legacy of their battles when it comes down to it. Perfect enemies. Renfrew hit the T-Virus on his enemy for a 2 count. Another fuckin 2…HOW IS HE DOING THIS?! Because killing a mere mortal is probably quite easy, but killing someone who wants to kill you as much as you want to kill them? Not quite as easy.

Out came the thumbtack chair and that never ends well does it. Someone always ends up hauf deid. Renfrew brought it out but caught the sharp end of it with the R-Gra-Do and Rock Bottom on top of it puncturing each and every one of his vital organs. Renfrew might have accepted it if that was what got the job done, but to kick out of that and get pinned moments later thanks to a simple roll up? A bitter pill to swallow. Grado becomes number one contender and Renfrew never gets a shot again, an even more bitter pill to swallow, but the last pill was the bitterest. The sarest. When Red Lightning climbed in the ring after the match was done and dusted, Renfrew probably expected a bit of gloating. Rub his nose in it aye. That’s expected, but to fire the cunt who carried your title proudly and stuck his life on the line to defend it time after time? That’s a step too far. That’s ripping the soul out of your company for the sake of being able to say ye done it. You’d think Red Lightning was some kind of villainous authority figure who you’re supposed to hate with behaviour like that eh?

Renfrew gone. Billy Kirkwood gone. Polo Promotions gone. Mikey Whiplash gone. WHO ELSE HAS TO FALL BEFORE OUR SAVIOUR PRESENTS HIMSELF? I ASK YE.

Overall a solid episode of Friday Night Fight Club. I give each match over 3.76 stars out of 5 and the show overall a solid “It was good”. Thanks for yer time. 

Thanks to David J.Wilson for the fine images.

ICW 2016 Square Go Review


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ICW – Fear and Loathing 8 Review (AT THE SOLD OUT SECC)



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ICW – The Ministry Of Silly Headlocks Review (of sorts…)

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ICW – Flawless Victory Review

Credit Warrior Fight Photography

Credit Warrior Fight Photography

It was a night of homecomings as ICW Continue reading