An Interview With “Bad Boy” Liam Thomson


Liam Thomson is the type of guy you appreciate if you like your wrestling done correctly. Everything always works. Since splitting with Kid Fite and working as a singles wrestler pretty much everywhere, Liam Thomson has been arguably the most consistent wrestler in Scotland. Providing the perfect old school bad guy opponent for everyone from the jovial bumbag wearing Grado, to the scary as fuck bawbag kicking Tommy End. If there’s any justice with this wrestling carry on, 2015 will be the year Liam Thomson gets the widespread recognition he deserves. Every great journey has to start somewhere I suppose eh. So before he gets to taking over Scottish Wrestling one backcracker at a time, he answered some daft questions for us on everything from Carmel to Papa Shango.

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An Interview With Sha Samuels


Image Credit To Tony Knox

Sha Samuels gives me the fear. In wrestling, people who genuinely give you the fear are in short supply these days. Everyone has a vague idea of what their favourite wrestlers are like in person due to over exposure in social media and all that, but Sha Samuels is one of the few out there right now who still carries that mystique. That wee seed of worry that maybe he is exactly the character he betrays. A big loudmouth Cockey cunt (and he is genuinely a butcher) who loves nothing more than to come north of the border and slap some jock muggy cunts about. I think he might be a sound guy in person though. Maybe. Well he said yes to doing an interview, so that’s good right? Maybe I should have suggested we met in a pub to talk shit about northerners. Those cunts and their superior teabags. Fuck them. That would have ensured it went well, but aye. This is an interview with the man who’s single handedly terrorised the nightmares of wrestling fans throughout the UK. The Eastend Butcher. Sha Samuels.

Cards on the table big man. You shouted at me on one of the ICW Edinburgh shows last year and I’ve been having nightmares involving an animated butcher knife chasing me through the set of Eastenders since. So I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you that 1. It was my pal who was mocking your accent and 2. You might be the scariest cunt on planet earth who isn’t currently serving prison time for being a serial murderer, Now that’s out the way, I suppose I should actually ask a question eh. How are you today big man?

Next time I see you I’m going to scream at you louder and longer. Apart from you reminding me that some jock cunt shouted at me in Edinburgh., I’m ok.

Haha ICW are in Edinburgh on Sunday. I’m not terrified at all…nope…not even a wee bit…moving swiftly on….

Right. Proper stuff now. Wrestling. You were a part of TNA British Bootcamp 2. Making it to the later stages before just missing out on a place in the top 6. Tell us a wee bit about the experience and how you feel it went?

I felt really proud to have been a part of Bootcamp because I genuinely felt that the put the best people through to the last 16. So to be considered one of the best was great, being part of the live show at York Hall was a great experience.

You were very much in character throughout the whole show. Were you asked to stick to that or did you decide it would be the best way to approach it?

Don’t want to sound like a cliche, what you see is what you get! no one told me to act like anything. It’s 100% fact that I’m a loud mouth ignorant Londoner. Anyone that knows me will tell you the same.

Your impact on ICW has been felt since your debut, and you’ve recently formed a new stable with James R.Kennedy, Martin Kirby, Timm Wylie and Kid Fite called “The 55”. What does the future hold for Sha Samuels and “The 55” ?

I am buzzing mate. This year in ICW will be massive. I’m enjoying everyone second of it. “The 55” is going to piss off a lot of people this year. We’re a group of blokes who love a fight. We ain’t gonna go out there and try to make you love us or try to be cool…We’re a bunch of ‘orrible’ cunts!
I thought I had a great 2014 with ICW so I hope that continues into 2015.

The physical embodiment of pure evil. Look them aw. And their fuckin……faces (heels)


Are you ever going to get sick of battering Grado? I love Grado, but the particular way you batter him looks like the most fun anyones ever had.

I will never ever get sick of slapping him and beating him up!!! it’s a blessing.

Seriously though, you’ve worked with Grado extensively in ICW and in TNA British Bootcamp. With you being very much the classic villain, and him the classic babyface, How enjoyable is it to work with him in matches that are a bit of a throwback? The first London match in ICW in particular told a brilliant story.

Since working him at ICW I’ve wrestled him so many times, I’ve even wrestled him Germany. I wish I could face him at every show I’m on. It’s a story that people connect with straight away. When we worked in Germany straight away there was no confusion people were on he’s side, he ended being the most popular guy on the show. People relate to him. Honestly I was so happy to work with him at the Bootcamp finals and the Barrowlands.

What’s the long term goal for you in wrestling?

To keep having fun.

This is how Sha Samuels has fun. Making chubby Jock cunts regurgitate Irn Bru.

This is how Sha Samuels has fun. Making chubby Jock cunts regurgitate Irn Bru.

Have you ever worked as a face? I’m more asking our of my own curiosity than anything else, as I just couldn’t picture it haha. You coming out and high fiving excited children would be like something out of The Twilight Zone.

Yes it was on a holiday camp in some backwards town and I was called…”Everyman”Samuels.
It was good but hopefully never again as I don’t like speaking to punters.

Here’s a wee snap from IPW of Sha Samuels reprising the “Everyman” character to ask Grado if he wants to chew tobacco with him roon the back of the social club.


Image credit to Oli Sandler Photography

What made you pursue wrestling in the first place?

I was just a big fan who happened to find a wrestling school near me. I’ve just stuck with it. So glad I have because it’s the most fun.

Last but not least, anything you want to tell us about here. Feel free. If Sha Samuels has a discount code for Netflix, let us know. If Sha Samuels has some sort of threatening promo to cut on someone, feel free to do it here. The floor is yours big man.

Twitter is @shasamuels

Go out and support British Wrestling there’s amazing talent good shows everywhere now…..Obviously stay away from the shit

Cheers to Sha for taking the time, and for answering the questions in such a entertaining and vaguely terrifying manner. If you want to see Sha probably battering Grado and various other Scottish folk, get yourself to some dates on the ICW tour. If you want to like Sha on the Facebook, do that here 

Credit to David J Wilson for the wonderful photos. Also Oli Sandler, Tony Knox and anyone else.