ICW Spacebaws – Bill Murray Strikes Back Review


Red Lightning sung the Big Shows theme at the end of this show btw. I forgot to put that in first time cause I’m a fuckin idiot, but it was AMAZIN. Anyway…aye…read the review.

ICW probably dont have a main roster do they? I mean, that’s WWE patter man. There’s nae main roster. Nae B-shows. Nae sports entertainment. None of it. Wrestling is all there is. Sure, theres a core group of senior wrestlers (and yes, by senior, I do mean “auld”) who are carrying the company forward. Performing up and down the UK, and getting wrist deep in each and every one of yer sisters, but that doesn’t mean the next generation don’t matter. That doesn’t mean you can just patch a Spacebaws show cause you wont miss anything anyway. See even if you’re not arsed about any of the wrestlers and the stellar work they do, that’s on you. You’re an idiot, but even then, you should still come to these shows regardless, because these shows have Red Lightning doing the thing he does better than anyone in this country still. Nae offence to Renfrew, who has been brilliant this year. Or Jackie Polo, who has his character down to a tee, but they’re both villains. They both hate us. Its nae fun being hated. Even if you can admire the promos for their content and delivery, naecunt likes being told they’re a dick. Continue reading

ICW Spacebaws – A New Hope Review



Spacebaws man. That was for us. Ye know that eh? That sheer burst of joy  Continue reading

PBW Academy Attack 2 Review

academy add

Coatbridge bore witness to the dawn of a new era on Saturday night, and it didnae even know it. Whilst locals tuned intae Ant and Decs Saturday Shite Takeaway, or whatever other pish was on, some may have even been shuffling intae one of the local pubs for a spot of karaoke, but if ye weren’t in that wee chapel that I cannae mind the name of, yer Saturday might as well not have happened. Ye might as well had a game of chappy, except the only door ye chap if yer own cause yer too much of a fearty tae play the game right. Aye thats right, in this metaphor I’m trying to claim you played the game wrong by no coming to the wrestling. Did ye catch that? It wisnae really an option for you to attend though, as it sold out weeks in advance. I queued up months before it wis even announced to get my ticket, cause I just had the sense something huge was the horizon. Slept in a tent wae a big stain fae some cunt pishin on it at T in the Park anaw. Brutal. Well worth it though. Pish patter aside, it was hugely encouraging to see the amount of raw talent coming through the ranks at PBW. Plenty of debuts were had, with a few still in their first few matches tae, but no one could be disappointed with their efforts. There wis matches and aw that tae, so I might aswell say some words about them eh? Bored ye wae this patter long enough.

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